Day: October 6, 2023

Protecting Survivors: The Crucial Role of an Attorney in West Virginia Sexual Abuse CasesProtecting Survivors: The Crucial Role of an Attorney in West Virginia Sexual Abuse Cases

Sexual abuse is a deeply distressing and pervasive issue that affects countless individuals in West Virginia and across the world. Survivors often face a daunting journey toward justice and healing,with legal battles playing a crucial role in their pursuit of closure and accountability. In West Virginia,the importance of an attorney cannot be overstated when it comes to supporting survivors and seeking justice for sexual abuse victims.

Sexual abuse attorney Jesse Forbes made the following comment,“It’s essential for survivors to know that they are not alone,and legal representation can provide them with the guidance,support,and advocacy they need to navigate these difficult situations.”

The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse in West Virginia

Before delving into the role of attorneys,it’s essential to understand the prevalence of sexual abuse in West Virginia. According to the West Virginia Foundation for Rape Information and Services (FRIS),one in five women and one in seventy-one men in the state will experience sexual assault at some point in their lives. These shocking statistics highlight the urgent need for comprehensive support systems and legal advocacy for survivors.

The Role of an Attorney in Sexual Abuse Cases

Legal Guidance and Expertise:

One of the primary roles of an attorney in sexual abuse cases is to provide survivors with the legal guidance and expertise they need to navigate a complex legal system. Sexual abuse cases can involve intricate laws and regulations,and an experienced attorney can help survivors understand their rights,potential legal remedies,and the steps involved in pursuing a case.

Emotional Support:

Survivors of sexual abuse often experience overwhelming emotions such as fear,shame,and guilt. Attorneys not only serve as legal advocates but also provide invaluable emotional support. They understand the sensitivity of these cases and can offer compassion and empathy while guiding survivors through the legal process.

Evidence Collection and Preservation:

Collecting and preserving evidence is critical in sexual abuse cases,as memories can fade,and physical evidence can deteriorate over time. Attorneys work with survivors to ensure that relevant evidence,such as medical records,witness statements,and any digital evidence,is collected,preserved,and documented properly.


Attorneys can help survivors initiate investigations into their abuse allegations. They can work with law enforcement agencies,private investigators,and experts to gather evidence,identify perpetrators,and build a strong case for prosecution.

Legal Advocacy:

Attorneys are skilled advocates who can represent survivors in court and negotiate on their behalf during settlements. They understand the legal intricacies of sexual abuse cases and can build a compelling case that stands up in court.

Pursuit of Compensation:

In addition to criminal proceedings,attorneys can help survivors pursue civil cases to seek compensation for the harm they have suffered. This compensation can cover medical expenses,therapy costs,lost wages,and pain and suffering.

The Legal Landscape in West Virginia

West Virginia has implemented significant legal reforms to support survivors of sexual abuse and improve their access to justice. For instance,the state has extended the statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases,allowing survivors more time to file legal claims. This change acknowledges the unique challenges survivors face in coming forward and seeking justice.

Additionally,West Virginia has implemented legal measures such as civil lawsuits against institutions that fail to protect individuals from sexual abuse. These laws hold institutions accountable for their negligence and create a pathway for survivors to seek justice.


Sexual abuse is a deeply traumatic experience that affects far too many individuals in West Virginia and beyond. Survivors need a strong support system to help them navigate the legal complexities and emotional challenges of pursuing justice. Attorneys play an indispensable role in this process by providing legal guidance,emotional support,and the expertise needed to build strong cases.

In West Virginia,legal reforms have improved the landscape for survivors,making it easier for them to seek justice and hold perpetrators and institutions accountable. Attorneys are essential partners in this journey,helping survivors reclaim their lives,find closure,and contribute to a safer and more just society.

As a community,it’s our responsibility to support survivors and ensure that they have access to the resources and legal representation they need to heal and seek justice. Together,we can create a brighter future where sexual abuse is no longer tolerated,and survivors are empowered to reclaim their lives.

Chronic Sinusitis and Dental Health: Understanding the Link and Oral Care TipsChronic Sinusitis and Dental Health: Understanding the Link and Oral Care Tips

Sinus Infection Tooth Pain: How They Are Linked

Sinuses are spaces in your skull. They warm and moisten the air so that they are fit for you to breathe in. The largest sinuses,called the maxillary sinuses,are above your upper molar teeth. When the maxillary sinuses are infected,they can also affect the closest areas,such as your upper molars. 

Sinusitis causes tooth pain in two ways:

  • Referred pain from sinuses,teeth,and gums share the same pain-transmitting nerves. 
  • Congestion puts pressure on the root of the upper molars,causing discomfort. 

Can Sinus Infection Cause Tooth Infection?

No,a sinus infection cannot cause tooth infection. However,a tooth infection can spread to the sinuses and cause sinusitis. Dental infections can cause 40% of chronic sinus infections.

Can Sinus Infection Cause Tooth Pain in Front Teeth?

The maxillary sinuses are above the upper molars,making them less likely to cause tooth pain in the front teeth if the sinuses are infected. We advised that you schedule an appointment with your doctor to learn more. 

How do I Know if My Toothache is a Sinus Infection? Causes and Symptoms

Sinuses produce mucus to keep the air moist and prevent the inside of your nose from drying out. If the sinuses are irritated or infected,they can swell and get congested,causing pain in the upper molars.

What are the Most Common Symptoms of Sinus Infection Tooth Pain

Together with sinusitis signs and symptoms,the most common symptom of sinusitis tooth pain is toothache on more than one adjoining upper molars. The pain is not localized on one tooth. 

Another common symptom is pain aggravated by movement. Movement like jumping up and down can aggravate sinus tooth pain. Pain can also be aggravated by bending over or lying down. The motions can cause congested sinuses to press on the roots of the molars with more force. Meanwhile,lying down can lessen the pain.

How Long Does Tooth Pain Last with Sinus Infection?

It would depend on the severity of your sinusitis. Since sinus tooth pain appears more in acute sinus infection,said symptom can last up to ten days. 

Effective Remedies to Relieve Sinus Pressure in Your Teeth

Sinusitis Home Remedies

Since the congested mucus promotes germs that cause sinusitis,the goal is to decongest. Here are remedies you can try at home:

Drinking fluids can help thin the mucus and promote drainage to the nasal cavity.

Warm Compress
A warm compress over the sides of the nose can warm the sinuses and loosen mucus.

Breathing in the steam of a bowl of hot water or a hot shower can loosen mucus. The warm,moist steam can soothe irritated nasal passages and make breathing easier.

Sinus Flushing
Flushing your sinuses with warm or room-temperature saline solution can help moisturize the lining of your sinuses. It can also loosen mucus and clear nasal cavities. 

Decongestants can help relieve symptoms. Topical decongestants shouldn’t be used for more than seven days as they can cause symptoms to worsen. The same can happen when using decongestant nasal sprays for over three days.

Toothache Home Remedies

Cold compress
A cold compress on the painful area for 10-15 minutes several times daily can numb tooth pain. 

Over-the-counter Pain Relievers
You can take OTC pain medications such as acetaminophen or numbing gels to treat sinusitis dental pain. 

Do I Need Antibiotics for a Sinus Infection?

Since most sinus infections get better without antibiotics,antibiotics are only prescribed by the doctor if other treatments don’t work,and they suspect bacterial infections. Antibiotics are only prescribed when other medications don’t work because they can cause mild to rash side effects,from rashes to severe allergic reactions.

When to Seek Professional Dental and Sinus Care

While you may need to consult your dentist to confirm if you have sinus or dental-related tooth pain,please schedule an appointment with your doctor if you experience any of the symptoms:

  • Tooth pain that persists after the sinusitis has disappeared
  • Severe pain
  • Fever that lasts more than three days
  • Symptoms that persist for more than ten days without improvement
  • Symptoms that got better then got worse
  • Inability to eat or drink due to dental or facial pain.

If you’re looking for sinus relief or interested in learning more about sinus surgery,click the link below!

Dr. Amy Anstead

What is Crown Lengthening?What is Crown Lengthening?

You may have heard about crown lengthening as an emerging trend in dentistry. Crown lengthening is a procedure performed by dentists and periodontists to increase your tooth surface. This is done by recontouring gum tissue to expose more of your tooth. Thereby it lengthens how much tooth is visible. 

Reasons for crown lengthening

Crown lengthening is often recommended for the proper placement of crowns or bridges. It’s also used to enhance the aesthetic beauty of your smile. For some patients Dr. Frahm recommends crown lengthening prior to the placement of veneers.

Crown lengthening for tooth replacement: Crowns,bridges

To properly place crowns and bridges,you must have enough of a healthy tooth to support them. But what happens if you don’t have enough of your original tooth left due to either decay,a weak tooth structure,or because your tooth is broken? By sculpting your gumline,more of your tooth’s surface Is exposed to accommodate a crown or a bridge. 

Crown lengthening for aesthetics: Veneers and smile enhancement

Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that improves the appearance of your smile. As we saw with crowns and bridges,veneers also require a stable tooth surface.  Crown lengthening can add surface and allow for a beautifully proportioned smile and gumline. 

But,the most common reason for crown lengthening is to correct a “gummy smile.” This term describes gums that are visible above the teeth when you smile. A gummy smiles can make you feel self-conscious. Crown lengthening sculpts your gums.  This enhances your smile so more of teeth show. Dental professionals refer to the golden ratio which allows for balanced proportions of your facial features,gumline,and teeth.

You may have heard to the golden proportion in relation to art and nature. Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man was drawn with ideal body proportions. A peacock’s feather contains a natural golden ratio. So too can dentists sculpt gums to bring a symmetry,dominance,and proportion for a beautiful smile. 

How is crown lengthening performed?

There are a few different techniques for crown lengthening. Reshaping gums is usually done with either a laser or scalpel.  Dr. Frahm prefers to use lasers. They are less invasive and result in less downtime and discomfort than scalpels. 

Gum reshaping is a one- to two-hour treatment. It can be done right in the dentist chair. The procedure feels familiar. Just like when a cavity is filled,Dr. Frahm numbs your gums. You’ll remain awake. The treatment consists of:

  • A soft tissue laser to remove a few millimeters of gum tissue.
  • Resculpting the gum line to expose more of tooth surface.  

Whether you are looking for crown lengthening to restore dental health or give you the smile you want,it’s a wonderful option to discuss with Dr. Frahm. Click the link below to get started!